Your daily life creates new life-learning lessons. New life learning lessons transpire everyday in your life as you look too yesterday for answers for today’s life learning lessons therefore today’s experiences have the same results as yesterday’s experiences. Your mind races all day long with your thoughts and daily activities occupying your mind, with approximately 60,000 thoughts pass through your mind per day. With your life full of activities and thoughts, it is a challenge to find time to allow for new ideas and new approaches to your life experiences.
A busy mind creates self-induced stress anger etc they you create urgencies in your life lowering your tolerance to deal with life situations, people, kids etc. Quieting your mind and trusting your inner wisdom, instead of your ego (head) allows you to flow with life situations. Quieting your mind to flow with life situations isn’t natural to you, taught in school, or traditional thought patterns in today’s society. Inner wisdom originates in the stomach area and connects your thoughts, ideas and actions to find the best answer to life situations.
A mind full of thoughts is like the bars on the Tiger Cage. Your thoughts are spaced so close together you can’t escape from yourself. Is it the bars on the tiger cage that hold the tiger in the cage or is it the space between the bars that hold the tiger in the cage? What is your perception to this question?
The obvious answer is the bars because the bars are what your eyes and mind see first. However in your life situations the obvious answer is a quick solution and been the wrong answer. Our ego recognizes physical strength as security just like the bars on the tiger cage. Your ego creates false impressions in your mind that your physical strength is your ally that will get you through all life situations therefore you shut down your true strength your inner wisdom. By opening, the channel to your inner wisdom allows to open your eyes, mind and heart to make the right decisions that are for you and not please somebody else. When the tiger escapes, the tiger goes through the space between the bars. Where in your life do you look for the obvious answers (such as the bars on the tiger cage) to your life situations rather than allow the space between thoughts to generate new ideas and approaches in your life situations.
Spacing out your thoughts slowing down your mind allows you to have less stress, less anger, etc. and allows you to respond to life experiences rather than react to your life experiences. The space between your thoughts allows your inner wisdom to manifest new ideas and new approaches in your everyday life experiences. Just as the tiger escapes from the cage through the space between the bars slowing down and quieting your mind allows you to escape from your ego. You are the caged tiger in your mind because your mind is in constant motion with your ego controlling your thoughts, actions and decisions. Does your ego play out life situations before they happen then all your inner fears, barriers, old thoughts and beliefs create same results in your life situations?
Quieting your mind allows you to hear what another person is saying and learn from the other person without you being in competition with the other person. Your only competition in your life is you. By allowing your inner wisdom to flow, you raise your awareness in your consciousness setting you free.
To quiet your mind find a place in your home or where ever you can to find 15 minutes-1-hour to sit by yourself allowing your mind to be free of thoughts or activities. Just make the time for your own well-being. Meditation creates spaces between your thoughts. Meditation right before bed allows your sleep to be peaceful. You deserve a half-hour or more time to yourself everyday for you however when you don’t take time for yourself who is going to take it for you. Quieting your mind allows you to quit dwelling your life situations.
The person who listens more than they speak everyday goes to bed a wiser person than one who tells how much they know everyday.
Here are two affirmations for you. Inner peace is outer peace. I choose to take time to appreciate myself now. My mind is at peace now my life is at peace now. My challenges are only challenges when I pay attention to my challenges.