51Jca8JzaML._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-dp,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA160_Visionary Vulnerability

I now feel the inspired fires of my daring desires explicitly entrusting my visionary vulnerability as my thrill seeker savvy to maneuver…

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Through life circumdances with ultra utopian talent to mate my life expanding circumstances with my circumdance candor to show…

The world my straightforward revolutionary resolve that evolves from imaginative pliancy to grasp I recognize the wise of pliant and defiant…

At the same instant because I defy my old worn out doubts that are spouting off a poverty peevishness that irritating me depriving me…

Went away today forever allowed me to experience the ride of my visionary veracity to experience my pliant percipience to energize…

My gallant valor to expand thru life feeling my liberated emotional fortes exhilarate my exotic quixotic erotic emotional orgasms…

To sense my orgasmic oomph within me to feel the rockets my awesomeisme credence enhances my eternal extravaganzas instantly…

Because my visionary vulnerability understands my trials of turmoil smooth’s my trails of triumph that ooze my plush lush opulence…

Massages my eloquent essence as beam royal elegance as I broadcast my broadband brilliance I exhilarate the innate innovative wizardry…

Of me myself and I and all people as I now expand through life understanding vulnerability shows me the way to mystically…

Spiritually magically miraculously and physical maneuver through my visible invisible mysterious and ambiguous extravaganzas of my day…

To day escapades as my cowboy wisdom shows me the way to expand thru life with a thriving aliveisme freedoms rings zings and brings…

My Yule Tide Ride of copious cornucopia now and forever more I soar of sassy optimistic astute reverence to let go of my dependence of…

My minds mundane apathy unsheathes my new forthright foresight to understand vulnerability is never think about be taken for a ride…

By others or my memories to grasp vulnerability is relishing embellishing and enjoying my dreams and sired desires red carpet …

Ride of legacy lore that glides me through my moment-to-moment experiences exciting my mojo grit get and go of I showed me…

To instantly throw my radical parade of prosperity to understand my mystical maharishi’s place me on my passageways of intuitive…

Wizardry unsheathed my innate expanded erudition within my circumdances that instantly unencrypt the scripts of selfish maligning…

Malice I taught myself thinking about everything everybody else has was silly crass I placed in my memory bank that was clanking…

Around blacking out my desires because I was afraid of ruthlessly conceding all my challenges were about were for me as I was afraid…

To hear my pioneering prowess wow with wise omnific wisdom to soar above the fray of my life instead I would overthink finking out in…

Doubt because I was lost in the ghouls of timid torment that was embedded within me to intrepidly avow the powers of my…

Plainspoken pioneer to understand honesty is to listen to all involved yet hear my seers of shrewd sapience thrusting of trust of…

My heart and soul savoir-faire exposure is enjoying my resplendent reveries and utopia upshots savoring my sumptuous cloud nine…

Dining lounging on my front porch sitting in my rocking chair watching wave after wave of lavish luxury be my way of life now and forever…

Open your wisdom to Understand Fear to Expand Out of Fear https://youtu.be/B3OBA5NXMq0, 

Walk of Wisdom Webinar September 29, 2015 https://youtu.be/L40vgQrm68E,

Website: https://mycowboywisdom.com

Robert’s Author’s page www.amazon.com/author/robertawilson

Email: Robert@mycowboywisdom.com,

Thank You

With Unselfish Love Flowing From My Heart and a Beaming Sassy Smile From My Soul

Robert A. Wilson

Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises, LLC

Cowboy Wisdom Visionary Hypnotherapy, Dreamers Freedom Dream Sculpting feeling free to Dare To Dream, EII Execute Inspirational Innovation, NLP, Introducing the world to a visionary vocabulary, NLI, Author and Radio Show Host Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Website: www.cowboy-wisdom.com,

Robert’s Author’s page www.amazon.com/author/robertawilson

Email: Robert@mycowboywisdom.com

Phone: 702-755-9410

Holiday Wisdom “Book” http://dld.bz/dqZ8j,

Holiday Wisdom “Kindle” http://dld.bz/dqZ8m,

Visionary Vocabulary “DVD” http://dld.bz/dqZ7j,

Fear is My Friend “Book” http://dld.bz/dqZ6s,

Fear is My Friend “Kindle” http://dld.bz/dqZ6z,

Fear Is My Friend “CD” http://dld.bz/dqZ5E,

Flow in the Glow: “Book” http://dld.bz/dqZ65,

Flow in the Glow “Kindle” http://dld.bz/dqZ67

Flow in the Glow “CD” http://dld.bz/dqZ6D,

My Visionary, I Am: “Book” http://dld.bz/dqZ8c,

My Visionary, I Am “Kindle” http://dld.bz/dqZ8f,

I Forgive Me… I Am Free “Book” http://dld.bz/dqZ8q,

I Approve of Me… Sets Me Free “Book” http://dld.bz/dqZ2Q,

I Approve of Me… Sets Me Free: “Kindle” http://dld.bz/dqZ3a,

I Forgive Me… I Am Free “Kindle” http://dld.bz/dqZ83

Letting Go “CD” http://dld.bz/dqZ2h,

Money Is My Friend CD http://dld.bz/dqZ4b,

Visionary Vocabulary “DVD” http://dld.bz/dqZ7j,

Sun Lit Wit “CD” http://dld. bz/dqZ7w,

Cowboy Wisdom Radio Thursday 5 PM Pacific and Sunday 7 AM www.blogtalkradio.com/cwbywsdm. Call in 718-305-6548

© and trademark ed by Robert A. Wilson/Cowboy Wisdom/Walk of Wisdom Webinars and Seminars December 19th, 2015 -Present

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