Bliss of Innocence
Cowboy Wisdom
I now feel my mystical magical miraculous cosmos kiss my bliss of innocence dissolving releasing and letting go of my thinking mind…
Unlashing my dashing innovative heart invincibility frees my sovereign soul of savvy serenity unimprisoning my DNA of trendsetting…
Tranquility cleaned my cells hell yes I am a audacious adventurer washed my brain free of all selfish stains ordained my brains…
Empowering prowess to wow me and worldly landscape with my I won wit as I now realize my bliss of innocence dissolves my needs…
Wants and thinking thought of I have to know my way before I did anything sank my dreams in the punk of funk keeping weeping…
In thinking I knew my way was me being dismissed from my dreams and sired desires as I lite the fire of cowboy up courage…
As I instantly felt my unsettled mettle to suddenly saddle up stallion of sassy tenacity and mare of daring flair feeling laudable innocence…
Realizing now is the moment I ride my trails of uncertainty filled with insecurity opens up my rancher wit to admit life is streaming coltish…
Canny opportunities for me myself and I as I release my mustang moxie on trails of temerity feeling my thaumaturgic endeavors…
Magically energize revolutionary intuition titillating yes I am blessed as I now feel the blessings flow to me from all sources of the cosmos…
As I now feel my comprised wise of my bliss of innocence shine my effrontery essence of expand spectacular splendor everyday naturally…
Catapulting eloquent words of wisdom for all people unlock their treasures of torchbearer lore to feel their pleasures of lavish luxury…
Open up within them as I now beam my esteemed bliss of innocence of my bright luminary inspirational savvy sass optimizing farsighted…
Intuitive native nirvana omnipotence canonizing electrifying nabob confidence everyday I now understand my bliss of innocence shows…
Me myself and I my virgin visions of orgasmic opulence as I witness my accomplished outcomes as I now grasp the sovereign sensations…
Of my bliss of innocence to stop flip flopping around in my thinking creative mind to understand my blessing of innovative prowess wows…
My subconscious stimulation to feel my ingenious passions of my coolvacious innovations that unlock my blocks of brilliant liberating…
Opulent contrived insight seeing everyday through my bliss of innocence as my breezes of brilliance coolly calming me on my…
Oceans of opulence because I now recognize my profound percipience I now feel and sense my bliss of innocence is my life of lavish luxury…
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Open your wisdom to Understand Fear to Expand Out of Fear,
Walk of Wisdom Webinar September 29, 2015,
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Thank You
With Unselfish Love Flowing From My Heart and a Beaming Sassy Smile From My Soul
Robert A. Wilson
Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises, LLC
Cowboy Wisdom Visionary Hypnotherapy, Dreamers Freedom Dream Sculpting feeling free to Dare To Dream, EII Execute Inspirational Innovation, NLP, Introducing the world to a visionary vocabulary, NLI, Author and Radio Show Host Cowboy Wisdom Radio
Robert’s Author’s page
Phone: 702-755-9410
Holiday Wisdom “Book”,
Holiday Wisdom “Kindle”,
Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,
Fear is My Friend “Book”,
Fear is My Friend “Kindle”,
Fear Is My Friend “CD”,
Flow in the Glow: “Book”,
Flow in the Glow “Kindle”
Flow in the Glow “CD”,
My Visionary, I Am: “Book”,
My Visionary, I Am “Kindle”,
I Forgive Me… I Am Free “Book”,
I Approve of Me… Sets Me Free: “Kindle”,
I Forgive Me… I Am Free “Kindle”
Letting Go “CD”,
Money Is My Friend CD,
Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,
Sun Lit Wit “CD” http://dld. bz/dqZ7w,
© and trademark ed by Robert A. Wilson/Cowboy Wisdom/Walk of Wisdom Webinars and Seminars March 26th, 2016 –Present