Defeaters Dexterity
Infinite Spirit through my super conscious defeaters dexterity I now realize respect and admire I expanded to be the w I desired to be…
Through my animated agility I unsheathed my ascending audacity to appreciate my newfound felicity of who I am swiftly electrified…
My inpowered inlightenmint to feel my sweet neat fortes instantly freed omnific revered trendsetting enterprising savvy to feel…
My resplendent reveries emotionwise my wealthy healthy accomplished outcomes admiring and respecting I am a free daring…
Dreamer intuiting extreme esteemed energized epiphanies enjoying my bona fide hell raisers shindig to relishing the life I preferred…
To experience I am aware of my defeaters dexterity that bares my new understand to admire my victors veracity shows me…
My daredevilry dexterity of my rebellious rarity to understand my desired accomplished outcomes are occur and are received from…
My inspiration wisdom and will to be unique utopian to be alert of my perky prowess of my super conscious to realize my defeaters…
Dexterity is to trust my invisible and inaudible imaginative innovations that will allow me to expand taking out the word mind to hear and…
Trust my super conscious canny candor to understand everything I do is a limitation because I now grasp day-to-day life is about…
Maintaining status quo whoa without me having a clue I was glued to what knew afraid of the new until I grasped respected and admired…
I do encompass a omnific dynamic defeaters dexterity to expand me of my majestic expansionism of intuitive spiritual maturity…
To understand I taught myself to be a defeatist through being willing to cave into challenges rather than canonizing hellacious acumen…
Lionizing lionhearted enterprising nirvana galvanizing everyday successes because my super self blessed me with imagination…
Inspiration wisdom and talent with visionary inventive reverence trendsetting unfathomable enterprising sapience that allowed me…
Myself and I to open my trailblazer tenacity incite my frontier foresight turning up my pioneering prowess to understand the new mammoth…
Wealth success health and abundant desired life are presented to me and received by traveling through life with a defeaters dexterity…
To view the world as wild wilderness of bountiful bliss that kisses me myself and as I boldly lit my fire of my farseeing imaginative rococo…
Epiphanies sensationalwise serendipitous synchronicity of wealthy wininity because wininity expresses willpower instigates imaginative…
Outré intuitive nous (mother wit) invigorates torchbearer yazzapizzazz to dance through my veins of vehement enterprising innovative…
Nibbana splendor as I open my eyes to the to understand when I think it I stink when I feel it I realize as my way of life to realize…
My reality is whatever I desire facilitate and participate of that opens omnific foresight optimizing financial bliss to kiss my life with lively…
Incredible fun everyday in every way understand in a adventurous way because I now admit I taught myself to work rather than expand…
My nomadic enthusiasm to feel my worldly conquistador ardor to fly around the world seeing all the pristine beauty of the world…
As energize and enterprise the worldly vista escalating a better way of life for all opens the way for a peaceful and prosperous world for all…
To treasure and pleasure with a eye on the unexplained unfathomable and unseen prizes of life’s lionized incredible fun enjoying life…
Now and forever more my life is alive with Disney Land Delights feeling wonderful world wizardry decree inner freedom today allows me…
To play my orchestra of unlimited opulence opening pristine utopia loving everyday naturally celebrating expanding through life with…
A thriving heart temerity with sassy soul to show people it okay to be unique waltzing on their dreamers dance floor soaring of uninhibited…
Bliss kissing their life of leisure good morning and good night as I brighten abundances light up my life like the Las Vegas Strip…
On New Years Eve as see my name in marquee lights showing me my campaigners courage to fly above the fray of life dissolving being…
The prey of society frees my lavish endless streaming money flow allows me to glow with glorious loving optimism wowing the world…
With I showed me so splendor unlocking winds of Iwon for everybody in the universe to utilize the wise of my voyage into me frees…
To bask of my sun of fun feeling utopia nirvana flow through me myself and I as I enjoy my life of peace and prosperity now and…
Forever more I Love and Thank All People for playing facilitating and participating on my path of everlasting expansionism…
I Am Wisdom via @authorhouseuk
How Did I Teach Myself Fear? via @authorhouseuk
Dissolving Ancient Anger:
Dissolving Pleasing Others: via @amazon,
Dissolving Pleasing Others, Dissolving Pleasing Others dissolves childhood blocks freeing you…,
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Open your wisdom to Understand Fear to Expand Out of Fear,
Walk of Wisdom Webinar September 29, 2015,
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Thank You
With Unselfish Love Flowing From My Heart and a Beaming Sassy Smile From My Soul
Robert A. Wilson
Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises, LLC
Cowboy Wisdom Visionary Hypnotherapy, Dreamers Freedom Dream Sculpting feeling free to Dare To Dream, EII Execute Inspirational Innovation, NLP, Introducing the world to a visionary vocabulary, NLI, Author and Radio Show Host Cowboy Wisdom Radio
Robert’s Author’s page
Life is Love Innovation Freedom Epiphanies:,
Holiday Wisdom “Book”,
Holiday Wisdom “Kindle”,
Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,
Fear is My Friend “Book”,
Fear is My Friend “Kindle”,
Fear Is My Friend “CD”,
Flow in the Glow: “Book”,
Flow in the Glow “Kindle”
Flow in the Glow “CD”,
My Visionary, I Am: “Book”,
My Visionary, I Am “Kindle”,
I Forgive Me… I Am Free “Book”,
I Approve of Me… Sets Me Free: “Kindle”,
I Forgive Me… I Am Free “Kindle”
Letting Go “CD”,
Money Is My Friend CD,
Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,
Sun Lit Wit “CD”;,
Dissolving Pleasing Others;,
My Cowboy Wisdom :,
Sunrise Meditation:,
For your listening joy Listen to my new episode Cowboy Wisdom Radio at #BlogTalkRadio
Listen to my new episode Cowboy Wisdom Radio at #BlogTalkRadio Seeds of Serendipitous enlightenment enterprising dreamers splendor,
© and #Trademark Serial number 86698406 trademarked by Robert A. Wilson/Cowboy Wisdom/Cowboy Wisdom Publishing /Walk of Wisdom Webinars and Seminars December 2017,
Robert A. Wilson Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises LLC ©