Snazzy Oratory

#Sunny_Sunday arrived with a thriving soul splendor gleaming my hearts harmonizing energy actuating revolutionary trailblazing acumen opens me to listen and esteem the universe out of everywhere dares to awakens […]

Appreciate Compliments

#Magic_Monday arrived xpressing thriving enlivened enterprising chillskills thrilling my trailblazing bravado instantly innergized my witted grit get and go instantly throwing my lush prosperity party steaming pristine peace within me 

Sassy Safariing Chillskills

#I_Opened my chillskills thrills my rabble rousing innovator xcites my inventors ardors to animate regal dreamers optimistic rendezvousing savvy to listen to my earths enterprising acumen tantalizing harmonizing spectaculars colored […]

Artistic Clarity

#I_Innergized my intuitive fluidity feeling liberating ultrabold imagination dawns trailblazer yazzapanche to dance with my dreams of the universes dance floor showcases my adventurous ardor showing all people a better […]

Relaxing Leisure

#I_Opened my adventurous acuity to rise of optimistic fervor ardor animating rebellious daredevilry optimizing revolutionary forerunner fun fostering unlimited nirvana streams to me from everywhere as awakenedaware to appreciate my dreamers […]

Rise Shine Xpand

#I_Rebelliously opened my emancipating eyes to shed shred & communicate away my putrid excuses ripped up my excusopedia understanding life gets in the way of life opens my imaginative foresight enterprising […]

I Stopped Listening to the Media

#I_Awakened to understand gushing grandeur of my sovereign visionary wizardry sprees my spirit gifts of genuine innovative foresight tantalizing safari savvy to grasp my life is a vibrant voyager xperiencing lionizing […]

I Rouse Out of Truth

#Today_Is the day I opened my sovereign eyes heart wisdom soul spontaneity let fly my spirit prowess to listen to the cosmic camaraderie of my dreams desired lifestyle and moneyed […]

Why Does Mindset Mirror Quicksand

 I am sharing this because it gleams Dynowisdom #I_Innerprised my Picasso Artistry sketches my dreamers paradises on my third eye movie screen gleams my genuine lyrical animated audacity magically streams […]

#I_Awakened to understand and admire my life is forever luminous immaculate felicity electrifies my frequencies of ecstasy neons my colorful charm rainbows through the universe coloring my world with copious […]