Tag: #liberation

  • I Rouse Out of Media Fear Mongering

    #I_Am awakenedaware that indoctrinated education along business education and business education unknowingly teaches a third world enslaving mindsets and poverty conscious programming keeps people stuck in the muck of everything I learned from outside sources and indoctrinated education as I now rise of my savant savvy 

  • Fear and Insecurity Gossip

    #I_Awakened today to understand and admit the world is taught negativity and victimeyetice crapeyetice embedding fear and insecurity within people making people afraid of anything outside of the socialized boundaries of indoctrinated education ignorance passed away 2 seconds ago   

  • Thank You

    #I_Spirtually awakened to thank you today as I now understand nowIbegin feeling witnessing observing thank you flow through innergizing nowIwon xpressing thank you for day and life as I my sunset thank you glides effortlessly over the horizon in bold bright wonderful way