I am writing to introduce you to my “I Expand Thru Life” Seminars that are opening peoples’ eyes to the innocence of life to discover their inner ‘canonized’ abilities with NLP and Hypnotherapy.
NLI means Neuro Linguistic Innovation, and it’s a new way of unlocking people’s state-of-the-art insight so a person is free to engage and experience their dreams – turning those dreams into a reality, both in life and business.
I am the author of several books, including; Fear is My Friend, Flow in the Glow and Holiday Wisdom, as well as CD’s, Fear is My Friend; Money is My Friend; and Flow in the Glow, to name just a few.
My “Expand Thru Life” Seminars have been truly well-received and avidly expands people into new wisdom; sets free a visionary vocabulary unlocking astute awareness utilizing rhymes that authorizes them to understand they can trust themselves to expand their wisdom, energize their “wise” inside of them and unleash their entrepreneurial talent to experience life with galvanizing gusto.
With Cowboy Wisdom NLI Coaching, people have found a way to live their desired life, as they are shown the path to health, wealth and success. Through a unique ‘rhyming’ delivery combined with my own life experiences, I have presented a way to open the heart with NLI, and people are truly jumping on board with the absolute positive changes that are occurring.
I look forward to presenting this material to open people’s eyes to realize dreams are a dare to let go of old patterns, expand out of their current way of life expanding into walking their paths of prosperity in a bold new way.
I look forward to presenting this intra-prizing common-sense to open peoples’ eyes; to bring them to a place where they can realize their dreams as they dare themselves to let go of old patterns, expand out of their current way of life, and walk their path of prosperity in a bold, new way.
Rob offers his coaching and motivational expertise for speaking engagements at corporations, clubs, and private groups. He offers a wide array of subjects from which to choose such as:
Contact Rob for more information.
Cowboy Wisdom shows you the difference between speaking writing and utilizing change heal create transformation and expand energize enterprise execute experience in less than 2 minutes. How will you feel to expand thru life?
Cowboy Wisdom shows you the difference between speaking writing and utilizing change heal create transformation and expand energize enterprise execute experience in less than 2 minutes. How will you feel to expand thru life?